Entering Absences in myHR

When entering absence requests in myHR, please follow the steps listed below to avoid submission errors. For more information, please visit the myHR training page of the HR website.

Absences for one (or more) full day:
1. Select the ‘Time and Absence’ Icon.
2. Select ‘Add Absence’ tile.
3. Use the dropdown menu to select absence ‘type’.
4. If you have multiple assignments, select your primary assignment under the ‘Business Title’ dropdown.
5. Enter absence duration.

  • • Use the calendar to select the ‘start date and duration’.
  • • The ‘end date and duration’ will default to the start date.
  • • For multiple day absence, change the ‘end date and duration’.

6. Click ‘Submit’ to request the absence.

Absences for less than one full day:
1. Select the ‘Time and Absence’ Icon.
2. Select ‘Add Absence’ tile.
3. Use the dropdown menu to select absence ‘type’.
4. If you have multiple assignments, select your primary assignment under the ‘Business Title’ dropdown.
5. Enter absence duration using the calendar to select the ‘start date and duration’ and ‘end date and duration’.
6. Once the start and end dates are entered you will click the ‘Edit Entries’ button.
7. Click the ‘edit’ (pencil) icon next to the absence to change the absence duration. You must click the pencil Icon to update the hours.
8. Change the hours to reflect the correct total and click ‘OK’.
9. Click ‘submit’.
