Antiracism: Contemplation in Action

The second session in the series Antiracism: Contemplation in Action will be held March 16 from 3 to 4 p.m. CT
(click here to register)

This session explores individual and collective roles in understanding our own racial identity and belief system about race through the examen process.

Becky Nickerson, MS, Director of Creighton Intercultural Center
Sonia Rocha-Sanchez, PhD, Oral Biology, School of Dentistry
Sarah Walker and Lance Frazier, both of Marketing & Management, Heider College of Business

Learn more about the Antiracism in Our Ignatian Context seminar series, view session 1 recording (you may be prompted to log in with your Blue credentials.)

View Anti-racism resources available in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
