Sept. 13 — Department of Mathematics Colloquium

FlierCreighton University Department of Mathematics Invites You To Attend
Department of Mathematics Colloquium
Friday, Sept. 13| 11 a.m. | HLSB 522
Join us for bagels and coffee in the Math Conference Room (HLSB 503) at 10:30 a.m. before the talk.

“Barcodes: Discerning the Shape of Data”
Presented by Matthew Wright, PhD, St. Olaf College

In recent years, the mathematics of topology have been applied to the analysis of complex data. Persistent homology is one of the most popular and well-studied tools in topological data analysis. Persistent homology associates with complex data easily- visualized algebraic objects called barcodes, which provide information about the structure of the data. Persistent homology has been applied to data arising from computer graphics, biology, neuroscience, signal processing, and more. I will give an introduction to persistent homology, explaining what it is, what it can do, and how it is computed.
