Institutional Assessment and Accreditation Management Systems Under Review

A University task force has been conducting research on business intelligence tools used for institutional assessment and accreditation management. Two vendors were invited to share their products with the campus community: TaskStream (Colleen Arrey on Nov. 2) and TracDat (by Nuventive, presented by Denise Raney on Nov. 3). If you were unable to attend these informational sessions but would like to know more about the products, Colleen Arrey has provided access to a webinar and Denise Raney a portfolio. If you have comments and/or questions, please forward them to Mary Ann Danielson, Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment, task force chair, at [email protected] or 402.280.2535. All feedback received will be shared with the task force as we review campus comments and offer a recommendation to the academic leadership.
