The Chamber Choir and University Chorus will perform Oct. 12 at 7:30 p.m. in St. John’s Church. The concert is free and open to the public.
The Chamber Choir performance will feature an all a cappella concert of music celebrating night and day, and the moods associated with them. For night, works from many eras will be represented, including pieces by Lassus, Monteverdi, Schumann, Rheinberger and Eric Whitacre. The pieces focusing on day are mostly 20th and 21st century modern pieces by E.E. Cummings, Ron Harris, Zhou Long and Kentaro Sato. The “night” portion of the concert is a preview of the program the Chamber Choir will perform at the Beyond the Notes festival in Madison, Wis., in February 2012.
The University Chorus performance will present “Kyrie: Call to Prayer.” Chorus members will perform a setting of the Greek Kyrie selection from the Ordinary of the Roman Mass simultaneously with a recording of a Call to Prayer. The chorus will sing a traditional setting of “Gloria in Excelsis” by Mozart and “Sunday” from Sunday in the Park with George by Stephen Sondheim.