Irma’s Bistro to Close for 2011-2012 Academic Year

After analyzing usage, staffing and food costs, it has been decided to close Irma’s Bistro in lower Becker Hall for the 2011-2012 academic year, according to John C. Cernech, Ph.D., vice president for Student Life. During this time, leadership will be reviewing “best practices” and diverse, creative food concepts that might better align with Creighton’s needs.

Key decision makers in this action included Ray Lee, district manager, Sodexo Foods, Nebraska; Richard Rossi, Ph.D., associate vice president for Student Life (who oversees Bistro operations); and Michele Starzyk, assistant vice president for Student Life (responsible for cash, sales and catering).

Irma’s Bistro is currently closed. More than 10 other dining facilities are available on campus. A comprehensive list is available online (click here). We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are confident this decision is in the best interest of the University.

