Murray, Irlbeck Receive Grant

Rebecca Murray, Ph.D., and Dawn Irlbeck, Ph.D., Department of Sociology and Anthropology, were awarded a $35,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice for the State Victim Assistance Academy (SVAA) Initiative. Based on grantee performance and the availability of future funds, continuation funding will be available for two subsequent years in the amounts of $100,000 and $60,000. The initiative’s purpose is to support states in developing effective strategies for planning, implementing and sustaining new SVAA’s. This year, the first year in Nebraska, will establish planning efforts that will lead to the development of a comprehensive, academically-based, fundamental education and skills building training for victim assistance providers, victim advocates, criminal justice personnel and other allied professionals who routinely interact with victims of crime. Murray and Irlbeck have proposed the plan for establishing the Nebraska SVAA. SVAA was established by the Office for Victims of Crime in 1998 to fulfill its long-term goal of encouraging victim assistance courses of study in victimology and victims’ rights and services. The SVAA will operate in partnership with Creighton to meet the entry-level training needs of a broad array of victim service providers and allied professionals.
