Hunger Crisis in the Horn of Africa: How to Help

A Statement from the Jesuit Conference of the United States Regarding the Hunger Crisis in the Horn of Africa

We pray for all those suffering from drought, hunger, displacement and famine in the Horn of Africa. According to the U.N., over 12 million people are in need of emergency assistance, primarily in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia, and the famine has not yet peaked. Many are wondering how best to assist. The Society of Jesus is responding to the humanitarian crisis in two ways: immediate food assistance and long-term projects. The Jesuit Conference encourages support for these initiatives, outlined below.

Immediate Food Assistance
Working in collaboration with religious congregations and dioceses, the Eastern Africa Province of the Society of Jesus has established a Famine Relief Project to provide food relief to a targeted group of the most vulnerable persons in some of the worst hit areas of northern Kenya. The Wisconsin Province, which is twinned with Eastern Africa, is receiving funds to support this project. Contributions can be made by credit card at or 800.537.3736.

Checks can also be made payable to Jesuit Partnership with “Famine Relief Project” written on the memo line and mailed to:

Wisconsin Province Jesuits
Re: Famine Relief Project
3400 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53208

Long Term Projects
The Jesuit Refugee Service in East Africa has been assisting refugees from Somalia for many years and is preparing to help increased flows of traumatized famine survivors. The long-term commitment of JRS includes psychosocial projects and education services. JRS/USA is accepting donations to support these efforts at Please clearly note “East Africa Drought” in the comment box.

Checks can also be made out to Jesuit Refugee Service/USA with “East Africa Drought” written on the memo line and mailed to:

Jesuit Refugee Service / USA
Re: East Africa Drought
1016 16th Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
