Consumer Reports Rates Creighton Heart Surgeons as Top Performers

Creighton heart surgeons earned a top rating in Consumer Reports September 2011 issue. Creighton was one of only three Nebraska physician groups to receive a three-star rating.

Using data from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), the consumer publication made a state-by-state comparison of how well surgical groups performed heart-bypass surgery between July 1, 2009, and July 30, 2010. The ratings were based on overall performance, complications and other quality measures.

STS gathers information from more than 90 percent of about 1,100 U.S. surgical groups performing cardiac surgery. A total of 324 group practices, including Creighton’s, agreed to allow Consumer Reports to publish their results.

Of those, Creighton and 80 other groups were above the national average with the top ranking of three stars, 38 were average (two stars), and five were below average (one star). Alegent Health Bergan Mercy Medical Center and Nebraska Heart Institute and Heart Hospital in Lincoln also received three-star ratings.

The Creighton group was also cited for having fewer complications than the national average.
